Liesbeth Snijders-Niens
Internal sales Export
Achieving goals together
Liesbeth Snijders-Niens has been part of the Sales Team for several years. In recent years, this department has grown a lot in terms of professionalism. "Within the Sales Department, we ensure together that our customers and prospects are number one. At Berdal, we are a driven, enthusiastic and professional team that helps, guides, supports but also stimulates each other."
"There is an informal, open atmosphere among ourselves in which we can address each other directly. In cooperating with colleagues, I find it most important that there is a feeling that we are working with each other and not alongside each other. Achieving objectives together, being able to be positively critical of each other with a joke now and then. Taking an interest in each other, even privately."
"Working at Berdal means working for a professionally healthy and progressive company."
"You get every opportunity to get on this train; you are coached, stimulated and enthused and that's what makes it so much fun to dedicate yourself to Berdal."